The Six Ghosts of Fear, Part II

Last week we mentioned the Six Ghosts of Fear, this week we will discuss the first three fears.

  • The Fear of Poverty
  • The Fear of Criticism
  • The Fear of Ill Health

The Fear of Poverty

The Fear of Poverty is the most destructive of the six basic fears. There can be no compromise between poverty and riches. The thought impulses of fear and poverty cannot be translated into courage and financial gain. So the starting point of the path that leads to riches is desire.

When people succumb to the fear of poverty they experience these symptoms:

  • Indifference – lack of ambition, lack of initiative
  • Indecision – staying on the fence, permitting others to make your decisions
  • Doubt – criticizing others, alibis and excuses to explain away one’s failures
  • Worry – lack of poise, self-consciousness and lack of self-reliance
  • Over caution – habit of looking for the negative side of everything, thinking and talking about failure
  • Procrastination – putting off until tomorrow matters that should already be done


If you are willing to accept poverty, you may as well make up your mind to receive poverty. On the other hand, if you demand riches, you have to determine what form and how much you require. Napoleon Hill’s teachings are the road map that leads to getting all that you want, you just have to follow the steps. If you neglect to start, or stop before you arrive, no one will be to blame but you. The responsibility of your success is yours and yours alone.

The Fear of Criticism

People are uncomfortable when criticized and, unfortunately, one’s relatives are often the biggest source of criticism. Fear of criticism causes people to hold back, robs people of their initiative, destroys their power of imagination, limits their individuality and takes away their self-reliance. People that act without fear of criticism are more likely to be creative, take action and overcome obstacles. After all, success is a result of facing adversity, not in spite of it. Employers who understand the psychology of human nature get the best out of their people not by criticism but by constructive suggestion

The Fear of Ill Health

Ill Health is feared because of the suffering it causes and the fear and uncertainty of what may happen when death comes. Napoleon Hill further submits that there is evidence that disease sometimes begins in the form of a negative thought and doctors sometimes send patients into new climates for their health because a change of “metal attitude” is necessary. Power of the mind is quite remarkable, especially when you consider some doctor claims that as much as 75 percent of people who visit doctors suffer from hypochondria and, on the other hand, doctors are less subject to disease, possibly because they do not fear disease.

Stay tuned next week as we review the other three fears that Napoleon Hill warns us against.

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