Goals – Getting Your Astounding, Audacious, Ridiculous Success

How is your year stacking up? What have you accomplished? Do you know? Did you plan it? Have you tracked your year or did you let another year go by without a plan?

Your attitude and actions are typically the difference between astounding, audacious, ridiculous success or watching another year pass by with no significant results.

If you started the year with a New Year’s Resolution, I applaud you for your self-evaluation, desire to become better and identifying something that you want to change. Now I recommend a shift in thought process. Rather than setting resolutions, I suggest cultivating a habit of setting GOALS, and you do not have to wait until the New Year to start. START NOW!!!

If you already have GOALS, great. If you had a resolution, that’s a good start, but it needs to go deeper. If you have not set goals or have not planned for the next 3 months and the next year, now is the time to do it.

Most people focus on their business goals, but do not limit this to your business. You want to become a better person, have a better family life and improve your personal finances, right, so plan for it and be intentional. If you are new to goals, start with only two or three, so you can focus and own them, as you gain more experience with goals most people can manage a maximum of 6 at a time.

Think about what you want from your health, family, finances, business, education, personal development, social life and spirituality. Start with brainstorming and whittle it down to the two or three items you want to drive after.

Remember to dream BIG. Oftentimes, our dreams have been crushed, we have been told “No” for so long, been pushed down, and told not to look up; so somewhere along the way we have forgotten how to dream or that we are allowed to dream. A goal is a dream with a deadline. Each of your goals may have a different deadline and you will use your deadline to create a plan of action.

Now it’s time to create your SMARTER Goals. Start with your dreams, wants and desires and transform them into SMARTER Goals by writing a statement that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Bound, Enthusiastic and Resourced. And write them down, post them around your house, your office, carry a list in your wallet and review them regularly, every day, every week and read them out loud.

Now that you know the destination and when you want to get there, you need to plan how to get there. Start by breaking your time frame into smaller pieces and determining the necessary actions that need to be accomplished. If you set a goal for the end of the year, break down the necessary actions to monthly goals, then weekly goals and finally daily actions. Set checkpoints along the way and use these checkpoints to assess your progress and make corrective action to stay on target.

Consider what Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”, so what are you waiting for? How have you prepared for this year? Have you set Goals? Have you written them down?

Next week I will use one of my 2015 goals as an example to show the format for a SMARTER goal.

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