How I Became a Spray Foam Expert, Step Two

Last week I talked about how I became a spray foam expert and discussed Step One, Knowledge.

Over the next few weeks we are going to take a deeper look at Step Two and Step Three in my three-step process and show you how you can get better, improve your knowledge, or possibly become a spray foam expert yourself.

The second step to becoming an expert is Action.

Last week, I explained that as a beginner, for me to gain the knowledge required in Step One, I fielded questions, lots of questions, thousands of questions.

And rather than passing the questions on to others, I took it upon myself to find the answers and respond to everyone myself; in short I took action.

This is Step Two for How I Became a Spray Foam Expert, I took action to find the answers.

I searched out resources and leveraged them to my advantage.

I constantly referred to industry standards, tests conducted on the products and technical documents.

I sat with the building code books open on my desk all the time.

I was hungry to learn and attended trainings, tradeshows and seminars.

When all else failed, and I didn’t know the answer or couldn’t look it up, I turned to more experienced colleagues, industry experts and mentors.

By taking action, constantly searching for answers and solving problems for the sales team and customers, I learned and got better.

But that was not all…

I had to learn to be humble, so I could take action on a daily basis.

I knew how to find information.

I knew I needed resources.

And, I learned to ask others for help.

The next time the question came up, I knew the answer or I knew how to find the answer.

Action is important and the theme of Step Two is:

“Taking action will help you build your knowledge and develop your awareness of where and how to find information.”

Next week we will take a deeper look into Step Three of the process that I used to become a spray foam expert, because if I did it, then you can do it too.

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Spray Foam Advisor’s mission is to educate spray foam professionals, revolutionize how you learn and take your business to the next level.

Spray Foam Advisor is committed to supporting the spray foam insulation industry with a new web-based educational training program, available on demand – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – to fit your schedule, with videos, articles, blogs and more.


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