
Last week we discussed Specialized Knowledge.

This week we discuss Imagination, Napoleon Hill’s Fifth Characteristic of Successful People. There are two types of imagination, synthetic imagination and creative imagination. Synthetic imagination is when we arrange old concepts, ideas or plans into new combinations; this primarily uses experience, education and observation for the purpose of development. Creative imagination uses hunches & inspiration for the development of new ideas, it requires reaching beyond the ordinary and leads to innovation.

Everything discovered, created and developed in the past is due to the human ability to imagine and create. Think about the great advancements within the past 100 years alone: automobiles, planes, computers, the internet, etc. These innovations were all ideas born of imagination.

Henry Ford said that when developing the automobile, if he would have asked people what they wanted, they would have asked for a faster horse. They could not have conceived of anything beyond a horse, but he did, that is imagination.

We use imagination to manage and overcome roadblocks. Challenges and obstacles are really opportunities; they give us a chance to use our imagination. How we respond often determines the difference between mediocrity and success. If you think about it from this perspective, our limitations are only determined by the development and use of our imagination. You can develop your imagination through use, with critical thinking about opportunities and ideas.

Ideas are the beginning of all fortunes, they are products of the imagination. As you work on your ideas, your imagination will lead you to the appropriate plans for moving forward. It takes a combination of synthetic & creative imagination to give shape, form and action to your desires. So, you should constantly use your imagination to think of ways to do things better, to look at what changes are inevitable and to ask yourself how you can make them happen now.

Here is a quote from Napoleon Hill:

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve. 

Stay tuned to learn more about Napoleon Hill’s success principles from Think and Grown Rich. Next week we will talk about Organized Planning.

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