Last week we talked about How to Make Your Company Better and we talked about improving your team. This week let’s talk about the Law of Association.
A few weeks ago, in Positive Attitude, we referenced the Law of Association:
“The Law of Association says that you are the combined average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, are you okay with that, what does that say about you?”
This applies to you and everyone around you. They are either helping you get better or they are holding you back; this is commonly called influence. Most people talk about influence exclusively as a positive impact, but it is important to realize that influence can also be negative. For example, young Johnny will be influenced by the people around him, either he will buy in to his parent’s morals and values, his friend’s morals and values or the local drug dealer’s morals and values.
This has happened to you all of your life and it will continue to affect you. The 5 people you spend the most time with are going to have the most effect on your life. You will talk how they talk, think how they think, do what they do, eat what they eat, read what they read, go where they go, spend time how they spend time and personally develop yourself the way that they develop themselves.
So the first question to ask yourself is, who am I around? Think about the past week and ask, who was I with? At home, family, work, school, neighborhood, bar, restaurant, etc. How much time did I spend with these people? Make a list and identify your top 5.
Then ask, what are they doing to me? What do we do together? Are they positive, looking to the future, helping me grow, supporting me and uplifting me? Or are they negative, stuck in the past, holding me back, squelching dreams and not interested in their own achievement? How do they affect my personal life and my professional life? And where do I rank among my 5?
Once you answer this, you have to decide, is that okay or not?
Tune in next week as we continue this topic with the Law of Association, Part II and talk about what to do after you answer these questions.
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