Power of the “Master Mind”

Last week we discussed Persistence.

This week we discuss Power of the “Master Mind”, Napoleon Hill’s Ninth Characteristic of Successful People.

The “Master Mind”, which Napoleon Hill often references, can be defined as, “coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

In case you are not familiar with the Master Mind principle, it is the gathering of a group of individuals (a cooperative alliance), to provide advice, counsel, cooperation and support to aid each other in the development and attainment of their individual purposes. Simply put a group of trusted, knowledgeable confidants.

Furthermore, you have probably heard the saying, “Two minds are better than one”, however, Napoleon Hill said this differently:

No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.

An example of a common day Master Mind would be a company’s board of directors. They come together to act on behalf of the company and guide it to accomplish its purpose. Additionally, informal Master Minds are often created when individuals come together to collaborate on a project and help each other reach a goal. However, if you are interested in a formal Master Mind group of your own, you can look into the entrepreneurial market place and find people interested in supporting, guiding and assisting each other in personal and business growth and development.

Also, it would probably be a good idea to organize and treat a company or department meeting like a Master Mind session, where problems and challenges are brought to the table and solutions and ideas are openly discussed without blame, hurt feelings or politics, but looking at the stereotypical company meeting, this may be too much to ask.

Ultimately, power, or organized effort, is essential for success; and power can be defined as “organized and intelligently directed knowledge”. In general, there are three key sources of knowledge:

  • Infinite intelligence accessed through creative imagination
  • Accumulated experience – yours and others, education, books and counsel
  • Experiment and research – trial & error

This knowledge can be converted into power by organizing it into definite plans and taking action.

If you want to take action and harness the Power of the “Master Mind”, you should look for or create a group of people who are working for a common purpose. Select the members of your group with care, make sure they are people you respect, who are hard-working and want to get better and meet with them regularly. Focus on helping each other with solutions and improving your personal philosophy and skills.

Stay tuned to learn more about Napoleon Hill’s success principles from Think and Grown Rich. Next week we will talk about The Mystery of Sex Transmutation.

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