Last week we discussed The Subconscious Mind.
This week we discuss The Brain, Napoleon Hill’s Twelfth Characteristic of Successful People.
The brain is the most amazing organ, made up of billions of nerve cells and trillions of connection points. It is inconceivable that this network of intricate machinery exists solely for the growth and maintenance of the body. Yet most people take it for granted and do not understand the power of the brain and the minds it is connected to – Conscious and Subconscious.
Our brain weighs only about 3 pounds, but consumes about 20% of our overall energy, and it is only a myth that we use less than 10% of our brain. We actually use almost 100% of our brain on a daily basis, but even with our medical advancements, we only understand how about 10% of the brain works.
In a study conducted by Napoleon Hill, Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, and Dr. Elmer Gates they concluded that every human brain is both a broadcasting and receiving station for the vibration of thought.
Operation of your mental broadcasting station is a simple procedure. You have only three principles to apply to the object of your Desire: the Subconscious Mind, Creative Imagination and Auto-Suggestion.
Going beyond the typical thought process about the brain, Hill notes, in the 1930s, Dr. Rhine and associates at Duke University conducted tests that lead some scientist to believe that telepathy and clairvoyance have a high probability of existing. This coincides with Hill’s assertion that the brain is also a receiving station, not only from within, but also possibly from external sources.
Whether this is actually true may not matter. If you understand the principle of the Mastermind, you will realize that there are active methods that can be used to stimulate the brain. In particular, the harmonious discussion of definite subjects between multiple people connects each participant with knowledge outside of their own experience and as a result the group creates a new, more powerful mind.
Consider what groups you are involved in that may benefit from the Mastermind principle and the development of a new, more powerful mind?
Stay tuned to learn more about Napoleon Hill’s success principles from Think and Grow Rich. Next week we will talk about The Sixth Sense.
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