The Mystery of Sex Transmutation

Last week we discussed Power of the “Master Mind”.

This week we discuss The Mystery of Sex Transmutation, Napoleon Hill’s Tenth Characteristic of Successful People. Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires and to transmute means to change or convert from one form to another. In this context, Napoleon Hill focuses on transmuting, or converting, sex desire into other forms of energy by channeling and transforming the emotions into performance.

When driven by the desire to impress the opposite sex, people develop keenness of imagination, courage, willpower, persistence and creative ability unknown to them at other times. Love, romance and sex are all emotions capable of driving people to new heights of super achievement. Not only does this apply to the young buck that wants to court a new mate, this energy can also provide drive in the form of supporting family and close friends. Think about how hard a father or mother works to provide for their spouse or children; or how you might go out of your way to help a good friend.

Looking into this further, analysis of thousands of men and women show that the average person has the greatest capacity to create between the age of 40 and 60. You do not have to look far to see this trend in many well-known successes. For example, Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie had not hit their pace of achievement and begun to reap the benefits of their work until well after the age of 40. During this age people are more capable of controlling their sex energy and channeling it in the direction of creative imagination to achieve success.

Today, this sex energy is more commonly referred to as personal magnetism. Napoleon Hill says personal magnetism may be communicated to others in several ways:

  • The Handshake – strong, firm and consistent
  • The Tone of Voice – musical and charming
  • Posture and Carriage of the Body – move briskly with grace and ease
  • The Vibrations of Thought – mix your emotion with thought
  • Body Adornment – personal appearance and style

The qualities of personal magnetism can be highly sought after in all employees, especially sales professionals.

Finally, it has been said that it is important to have good support behind you. And, when looking at the mystery of sex transmutation over the course of history, it is often noticed that men are motivated by the influence of a good woman. You may have heard it this way:

Behind every good man is a great woman.

Stay tuned to learn more about Napoleon Hill’s success principles from Think and Grown Rich. Next week we will talk about The Subconscious Mind.

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