The Six Ghosts of Fear

Last week we discussed The Sixth Sense, Napoleon Hill’s Thirteenth and Final Characteristic of Successful People.

As we wrap up a review of Think and Grow Rich, this week we discuss The Six Ghosts of Fear that Napoleon Hill cautions us against.

Fears are simply states of mind. As we discussed in Auto-Suggestion, your state of mind is subject to control and direction, thus you can control your fears.

Have you ever wondered why some people appear to be “lucky” while others of equal or greater ability, training, experience and brain capacity seem to struggle and battle with challenges? This difference is inside of them, it is their thoughts and their resulting actions.

Nothing is created that is not first conceived in the form of thought; ideas, knowledge, strategy, innovation, action, etc. These thoughts are translated into their physical equivalent, whether they are voluntary or involuntary or positive or negative.

Overall, we have absolute control over one thing, our thoughts. And the three enemies you have to be aware of and clear out of your mind are indecision, doubt and fear. These three enemies feed on each other and lead to six basic fears:

  • The Fear of Poverty
  • The Fear of Criticism
  • The Fear of Ill Health
  • The Fear of Loss of Love of Someone
  • The Fear of Old Age
  • The Fear of Death


All other fears can be grouped into one of these categories.

All of these fears lead to the same type of response in people – indecisiveness, self-doubt and in-action. Focus on your desires, the plans by which to achieve them and the actions you have to take to complete those plans and, while you may never rid yourself of fear, you may control your thoughts and actions and quiet the effects of fear.

Stay tuned next week as we review the first three fears.

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